Thursday, April 26, 2012

Holy Brooches, Batman!

Yes!  My Ebay obsession is finally paying off - the packages have started rolling in!!!  I am single handedly keeping the Chinese postal service in business.  I have found the majority of the larger pieces for my bouquet at local thrift sales and antique shops; plus family borrowing me a few precious pieces.  I am now purchasing the filler pieces.  I want to include all of the important people in our lives into the piece.  I have a Siamese cat antique pin for Ms. Maia, a Cart with Horse pin for my Maternal Great-Grandparents.  My Grandpa Doug's dog tags are being made into a brooch and I am using a corner of his army blanket to make a handkerchief to tuck into my dress. For my daddy I got a deer and motorcycle.  My sisters will both have their initials tucked into it and for Sara, I have a childhood cancer ribbon. For Kristie, I got a heart made with her birthstones.  My brother also has his initials and I got a soccer kit pin.  My mom reads this (Hi mommy!) so she gets to wait!  =D For my grandma I couldn't pick one so I have a lilac bough, a sewing basket with knitting needles and an adorable floppy hat with gardening shears.  I am really excited about starting this but have been warned against starting it to soon as the weight can cause it to go wonky before your big day - so I keep drawing it and thinking of how it is all going to fit together in my head.  I can't wait to actually start it and place each trinket and pin in a special place.  

Until then - I will spend countless hours sniping brooches from slower, less aggressive Ebay users and steal ideas from Pinterest!

Sorry I have been lacking in my post lately - I have been sick and work has been intensely busy.  Though I have a feeling that the work issue is slowly working itself out.  Life lesson 1,276,456,957,974 - never work for family or "friends!" :/

Tschuss Lovelies!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Glückliches Ostern!

Happy Easter from our little family to yours!!!!!

Hanie and Jace

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Invitations - Blerg

I wish I could just call everyone and just say "Hey, come to our shindig!  We will have wine and foodz; no presents please."  I'm pretty sure that crosses so many lines of tacky.......but I want to keep this wedding as "green" as possible.
Plus - this is yet another thing that I just cannot get Jason interested in.
Food.  Wine. Outfit. Music - these things he has a strong opinion on.  The rest is just small potatoes to him.

I can't find anything I (we) like!!!  They are either too fancy or too plain.  I'm crafty but my handwriting is atrocious and I want the guests to be able to read them.

Anyone have ANY ideas on DIY wedding invitations?  I do't just want the standard type but can't seem to find anything that has peaked my interest or has not been done to death.

I should consider hiring a planner........... :/

Back Google!
